Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR): an analysis of the most award-winning campaigns of 2018




Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Public relations, PR, Awards, Communication, Reputation, Sustainable development goals, SDG.


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has an impact on the reputation of companies and institutions, so its management is also crucial from a communicative perspective. Stakeholders -not just consumers- demand that companies take a position on the main problems that affect society and act conscientiously, resulting in a constant evolution of CSR communication. The purpose of this research is to examine successful CSR communication practices based on a study of the most award-winning campaigns of 2018. Qualitative content analysis is applied as the research methodology. Specifically, the PR Daily Corporate Social Responsibility Awards, Cannes Lions PR Lions, and IPRA Golden World Awards are analyzed, focusing on a total of 29 actions and programs awarded in the CSR categories. The categories analyzed are client, sector, geographic scope, implementer, topic, objective, public(s), and techniques, tactics, and channels used. The analysis of the results reveals successful practices such as the alignment of CSR actions with the UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) (especially gender equality and women´s empowerment, reduction of inequalities, and environmental protection), the linking of CSR issues with the mission and purpose of organizations (especially by technology companies that seek to promote scientific-technological careers among young women), the involvement of employees in the implementation of CSR actions (which shows a more comprehensive conception of CSR management), and finally, the use of bidirectional channels to favor dialogue between organizations and their stakeholders.


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Author Biography

Elisenda Estanyol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)

Estudios de Ciencias de la Información y de la Comunicación

Directora académica del Máster Universitario de Comunicación Corporativa, Protocolo y Eventos

Profesora doctora


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How to Cite

Estanyol, E. (2020). Communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR): an analysis of the most award-winning campaigns of 2018. Profesional De La información, 29(3).



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