The role of the organizational communicator in Uruguay: tasks and functions
Organizational Communication, Corporate Communication, Public Relations, Internal communication, Practitioner roles, Professionals, Consultant roles, Genre, Communication function, Uruguay.Abstract
This article presents the results of a survey of 215 organizational communication professionals in Uruguay. It describes in a comparative way the roles and tasks of professionals working in different types of organization versus those who work as consultants or service providers in organizational communication. In particular, the factors that affect the evaluation of the provision of services from the perspective of clients and consultants are studied. In addition, the functions of organizational communication and the perception of their results are examined. It is concluded that the professional career, the type of organization, and the sex of the professional affect the type of role and professional tasks. There are differences in the perception that clients and consultants have about their relationship. The predominance of external organizational communication functions weakens the results achieved in internal communication.
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