Map of the visibility and search engine positioning of the main Spanish media groups
Communication groups, Media groups, Media companies, Media ownership, Mass media, Digital media, Web visibility, SEO, Search engine positioning, Google, Spain.Abstract
The visibility and the search engine positioning of the main Spanish communication groups´ websites are analyzed. We compare their web visibility to their presence on Google´s search results using SEO analysis tools and a methodology called Aggregated Visibility Index, developed by our investigation team. A comparative analysis of the groups Atresmedia, COPE, Godó, Hearst Magazines, Henneo, Imagina Media Audiovisual, Intereconomía Corporación, Joly, Mediaset España Comunicación, Planeta, Prensa Ibérica, Prisa, Unidad Editorial, Vocento and Zeta. has been done. We conclude that Unidad Editorial is the group with the highest web traffic from Google searches, Prisa is the one with the highest number of external links pointing to its web pages, and Vocento is the group with the highest number of keywords positioned on search engines.
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