Organizational communication in sound format: The case of Blink, the BBVA's podcasts
Podcasts, Podcasting, Organizational communication, Organizations, Audio, Branding, Branded content, Audio branding, Values, Corporate, Strategy, BBVA, Blink.Abstract
The inclusion of podcasts in the communication strategy of organizations is an emerging phenomenon. There are many companies that rely on audio branding to connect with their audiences, and they know how sound could be an effective tool to communicate their intangible values. This article studies the case of Blink, the podcasts of BBVA. The goal is to evaluate the coherence between the content of corporate podcast and the values announced by the financial institution. It has been applied a content analysis to a sample consisting in whole of the Blink broadcast along its first year (2018). The results show a marked correlation between messages content and strategic priorities of the organization. Thus, podcasting could be a capable tool to add a plus to strategic-communicative management of corporations and to reinforce the emotional value of their intangibles.
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Additional Files
- Autores podcast Blink (Español (España))
- Frases destacadas podcast Blink (Español (España))
- declaración-de-contribuciones (Español (España))
- Gráfico 1 (Español (España))
- Tabla 1 (Español (España))
- Tabla 2 (Español (España))
- Barbeito-Veloso_Mariluz (Español (España))
- Perona-Páez_Juan José (Español (España))
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