Postruth, or the narrative of the Catalan procés from abroad: BBC, DW and RT
Disinformation, Fake news, Hoaxes, Plurality, Political communication, Independence process, Independence, Mass media, Social media, BBC, DW, RT, Facebook, Catalonia.Abstract
With the independence of Catalonia process as framework, we will compare the journalistic treatment received by the phenomenon in three foreign media, showed in its diffusion through the social network Facebook. BBC, DW and RT are public corporations funded by governments a priori far away from the social and political issues about the separatist debate. Even so, one of them RT, has been publicly accused of acting directly under the influence of the foreign policy guidelines of the Kremlin, and working out well for the independence movement. From a quantitative and qualitative perspective, we analyze the posts the three media spread in a period of four months (n = 625), including the key date October 1st when the plebiscite attempt occurred, to verify if there is such a bias in the media we look into.
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