Social museum in Spain: Social networks and websites of State museums
Museums, Communication, Social media, Social networks, Websites, Backlinks, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spain.Abstract
The conclusions of a research about the online communication of the nineteen museums belonging to the General Directorate of Fine Arts of Spain (Museo Nacional del Prado, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía and Museo Lázaro Galdiano plus the sixteen Museos Estatales run by the Subdirección General de Museos Estatales) are presented. We monitored the use of social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others) as well as the museum websites. We analized: number of followers, use of languages, volume of publications, web pages, backlinks, as well as the follow-up of the online activities. The conclusions of our research show the good work done in significant aspects such as the content of the websites and some social network strategies (specially on Facebook), but also the lack of use of foreign languages, the difficult access to the press area, and transparency data in their websites. Museo Nacional del Prado is shown as the reference center in online communication.
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- foto Luis Deltell (Español (España))
- Foto Florencia Claes (Español (España))
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