Health in the online debate: analysis of comments about red and processed meats and cancer in




Digital journalism, Cyberjournalism, Science journalism, Health journalism, Health information, User comments, Content analysis, Nutrition, Meat, Cancer, El paí­s.


On the Internet, the reader can participate in journalistic information through comments, which have become an interesting source of data to analyze the opinion of the audiences on current scientific and health. The present work carries out a content analysis of a sample of 2,394 news comments about the relationship between red and processed meats and cancer in The comments do not contribute to a more complete version of the journalistic report. The debate is distorted towards other issues. Commenters rely on their personal experience and stereotypes to reject scientific evidence.


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How to Cite

González-Pedraz, C., & Pérez-Rodrí­guez, A.-V. (2019). Health in the online debate: analysis of comments about red and processed meats and cancer in Profesional De La información, 28(2).