Transmedia research. Participatory culture in the creation of academic knowledge




Science communication, Research, RRI, Participation, Innovation, Science, Social Media, Transmedia.


An experimental project of the University Jaume I, Castellón, Spain, to use transmedia narratives to facilitate the participation in the communication of science is presented. More precisely, it presents the conclusions of the project "Ágora Digital: narrativas transmedia y cultura participativa en la comunicación cientí­fica", backed by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (Fecyt), in which members of ten research groups and the Technological Center Espaitec, have participated. This study approaches transmedia narratives and the implementation of gamification strategies as an opportunity to advance from the field of communication towards more responsible research, aligned with the expectations and values of the citizens. The results of the project has been useful to introduce the institutional communication channels to the research community of the University Jaume I and as a pilot of the international project Out of the box.


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Author Biography

Emilio Sáez, Universitat Jaume I

Emilio Sáez-Soro es licenciado en Ciencias Polí­ticas y Sociologí­a por la UNED y doctor en comunicación por la Universitat Jaume I. Trabajó como sociólogo para diferentes empresas de consultorí­a. En la actualidad es profesor en la Universitat Jaume I en las titulaciones de Comunicación Audiovisual y de Diseño y Desarrollo de Videojuegos. Es profesor contratado doctor y pertenece al grupo de investigación ITACA-UJI sobre cultura audiovisual. Ha escrito numerosas publicaciones sobre comunidades virtuales, teletrabajo, videojuegos y gamificación.


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How to Cite

Picó, M.-J., Sáez, E., & Galán, E. (2019). Transmedia research. Participatory culture in the creation of academic knowledge. Profesional De La información, 28(4).



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