New sound communication. Cartography, grammar and transmedia narrative of podcasting
Podcasts, Podcasting, Digital media, Digital storytelling, Transmedia, Radio, Hypermedia, Convergence, Interactive media, Sound language.Abstract
Podcasting has created an own narrative that provokes a rupture of the traditional radio´s language due to the transmedia configuration of its contents and its multiplatform strategies. By analyzing the most relevant Spanish podcasts and through in-depth interviews, this investigation presents a cartography of the diverse platforms and the different contents that podÂcasters use so as to expand their stories beyond the sound language. Our results demonstrate that podcasting offers its messages in a wide range of platforms, digital and analog, that functionally complement each other. This involves producing materials in different media language. Moreover, podcasting presents a great variety of contents that, instead behaving in an isolated way, conform a logical and coherent grammar.
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