The Spanish television fiction series after the arrival of VOD services (2015-2017)


  • Concepción Cascajosa-Virino Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Television in Spain, Television series, Television fiction, Broadcasting channels, Video-on-demand services, VOD, Television ratings measurement, Television distribution, Television reception, TVE, Antena 3, Telecinco.


The situation of fiction series produced in Spain by the countrywide broadcasters in the context of the arrival of VOD services such as Netflix is analyzed. The previous situation of Spanish fiction and the challenges generated by the new consumption modalities are presented. Then, a study of the audiences of the fiction series broadcast by Televisión Española, Antena 3, and Telecinco in the three-year period 2015-2017 is carried out. The conclusions put in relation the changes in the consumption of television with a gradual reconfiguration of the fiction produced in Spain.


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Author Biography

Concepción Cascajosa-Virino, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Profesora Titular de Universidad

Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


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How to Cite

Cascajosa-Virino, C. (2018). The Spanish television fiction series after the arrival of VOD services (2015-2017). Profesional De La información, 27(6), 1303–1312.