Combats for the book: A play on words with the




Electronic books, Digital reading, Electronic publishing, Reading research, Publishing sector.


In the publishing sector, electronic book growth figures have shown progressive consolidation in markets around the world. The electronic book evolution in the last 15 years shows the paradoxes and contradictions that every new technology has to address in its implementation process. In addition, the editorial industry is resistant to new business models due to the possibilities of piracy and the fragility of a system in full transition. And, although digital reading is on the upswing and shows undoubted progression, the print book remains central to publishing and continues to maintain strongly competitive odds with the new systems.


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How to Cite

Cordón-Garcí­a, J.-A. (2018). Combats for the book: A play on words with the. Profesional De La información, 27(3), 467–481.