Connecting Cultures: Social Media, Cultural Offerings and the Interests of Generation Z in Local Environments


  • Beatriz Martínez-Rodríguez Universidade de Vigo Facultade de Ciencias Sociais e da Comunicación Área de Xornalismo Paseo Xunqueira, s/n 36005 Pontevedra, España



Social Media, Local Culture, Generation Z, Cultural Communication, Camino de Santiago, Influencer, Interest; Cultural Management, Braga.


In recent years, the cultural offerings in local environments have grown exponentially, with institutions, associations, and cultural managers endowed with interesting budgets and programs. However, this wide range of offerings has not been matched by the interest and participation of the younger audience, the so-called Generation Z, whose attention seems to be mediated by proposals conveyed through social networks. The legitimate interest of managers in attracting a younger audience and incorporating them into the cultural dynamics involves understanding the role that social networks and influencers play in shaping their interests. Additionally, it is crucial to determine whether approaching these more desired forms of leisure and community creation by young people can be a way to reduce the gap between supply and demand in this field. To analyze this objective, we have chosen two cities on the Camino de Santiago, each located on one side of the "raia" or Portuguese border: Pontevedra and Braga. The former has emerged in recent years as a sustainable city, focused on improving the quality of life of its inhabitants and becoming a cultural reference. This is demonstrated by its selection as the venue for the Feroz Awards in its next two editions, as well as the celebration of important international sporting events. The latter is a university city with a prestigious university where communication in its multiple forms –audio audio-visual, digital, online and offline, and through social networks– plays a crucial role in employing it for this research. This research presents the opinions of young people and local cultural managers on these issues and addresses possible improvement proposals.


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How to Cite

Beatriz Martínez-Rodríguez. (2025). Connecting Cultures: Social Media, Cultural Offerings and the Interests of Generation Z in Local Environments. Profesional De La información, 33(6).



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