Exploring The Role of Both Online and Offline Knowledge Sources and Artificial Intelligence in Information Management for Digital Libraries


  • Qinzuo Dong The First Clinical Medical College Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine Kunming 650500, China
  • Li Li Yunnan University of Chinese Medicine Kunming, 650500, China




Information Management, Information Security, Information Technology, Information Quality, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Sharing.


With growing emphasis on technologies in different fields, including the libraries, the implications and utilization of artificial intelligence in operations has become crucial. The objective of this study is to examine the intricate relationships between two types of knowledge sharing (online and offline) and artificial intelligence in the information management context for digital libraries in China. Using this context, the data was collected from 310 respondents across different digital libraries over 13 weeks. Findings provide a platform for fascinating debate using three key dimensions of information management: information quality, information security, and information technology. Besides, studying the impact of online knowledge sharing on information security, the study also affirms that improvement in three dimensions of information management is mainly attributed to online and offline knowledge sharing and artificial intelligence for digital libraries across China. These results provide immense and significant implications for decision-makers linked with digital libraries while observing online and offline knowledge sharing and artificial intelligence and their connection to information management. The study further emphasizes addressing the limitations in the final sections for future studies.


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How to Cite

Qinzuo Dong, & Li Li. (2025). Exploring The Role of Both Online and Offline Knowledge Sources and Artificial Intelligence in Information Management for Digital Libraries. Profesional De La información, 33(6). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2024.ene.0608



Research articles