The Role of social capital in education. Results of a survey on the individual social capital of school librarians




Social capital, School libraries, Libraries, Teachers-librarians, Cultural capital, Social activity, Civic engagement, Educational processes, School, Society


Schools and school libraries play a vital role in the formation of the attitudes and behaviours of young people. Adolescence is an important period of acquisition of knowledge, socialisation, development of artistic sensitivity and enculturation, which an individual will use for the rest of his or her life. The competencies and attitudes of school and school library personnel may significantly affect the development of children and youth. It seems relevant, then, to examine their social attitudes and the level of their social capital. The paper presents the results of a survey conducted among school librarians in 20 countries around the world. The survey examined the level of their individual social capital, social attitudes and civic attitudes. According to its results, school librarians have an average level of individual social capital; however, their social capital, social activity and civic engagement are among the lowest compared with the personnel of the other types of libraries.


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How to Cite

Wojciechowska, M. (2022). The Role of social capital in education. Results of a survey on the individual social capital of school librarians. Profesional De La información, 31(6).



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