A cartography of the Profesional de la información journal: a visual map of 30 years of history


  • Audilio Gonzales Université Montpellier 3
  • Marí­a-Jesús Colmenero-Ruiz Universidad Complutense de Madrid https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1650-1091
  • Adilson-Luiz Pinto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




Cartography, Visual maps, Information visualization, Interactive visualizations, Indexes, Information retrieval, Bibliographic search, Network analysis, Profesional de la información, EPI, Directorio EXIT, Scientific journals, Gephi, Scholarly communication, Open source


The process of creating a cartography, an interactive visualization, from the bibliographic data of the contents of the scientific journal Profesional de la información during its almost 30 years of life is presented. The cartography is available on the EPI journal website: https://profesionaldelainformacion.com/cartografia/EPI_GLOBAL/index.html. Its objective is to serve as a navigable index for the quick localization of information of interest to readers as well as a visual map that highlights the characteristics of the knowledge network that these data form through the interconnection of relationships between its nodes. This device has been created by extracting data from the journal´s website using web scraping tools and the free software Gephi for network visualization. A graph viewer allows access and manipulation through the web. Navigation through the bibliographic data network is facilitated by different strategies: (1) the use of different colors for each category of node (author, keyword, number, and article); (2) the viewer´s search tools, including a node label finder, a zoom bar, a magnifying glass, and a button to hide the network of relationships; and (3) the possibility of displaying different linked graphs. Selecting a node opens a side-space where all the attributes providing information about that node are displayed and that enables a new window to be opened, displaying all the information linked to an external page. The information on the authors is obtained from the Directory of Experts in the Management of Information (EXIT). This tool thus undeniable provides a useful source of secondary information on the journal, as were printed indexes in their day, with the advantage that it can be updated almost simultaneously with the publication of new issues. The data obtained will be used to carry out other analyses of the evolution of the journal, the topics of interest to the profession, and its stakeholders.


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How to Cite

Gonzales, A., Colmenero-Ruiz, M.-J., & Pinto, A.-L. (2021). A cartography of the Profesional de la información journal: a visual map of 30 years of history. Profesional De La información, 30(6). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2021.nov.05



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