The binomial of interaction and visualization in digital news media: consolidation, standardization and future challenges




Interactive visualizations, Digital journalism, Cyberjournalism, Online media, InfoVis, Digital media, Interactive documentary, Journalistic innovation, Interactive storytelling


Interaction and visualization together yield an interesting, fruitful, and promising combination for producing content in digital news media. In an era in which the press no longer exclusively provides the news, interaction and visualization combined in innovative products for the public are powerful value propositions for the media. Together, they are capable of winning readers´ loyalty and engagement, both of which are crucial for the media´s sustainability. In this work, we present a review of the literature and formulate the theoretical bases for this binomial pairing and its main components, which, we argue, should be available to citizens, the interests of whom journalism must defend if it aspires to be viable.


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How to Cite

Freixa, P., Pérez-Montoro, M., & Codina, L. (2021). The binomial of interaction and visualization in digital news media: consolidation, standardization and future challenges. Profesional De La información, 30(4).