The immersive documentary: understanding the phenomenon in nonfiction stories through a typology proposal




Immersive documentary, Immersion, Interactivity, Virtual reality, 360 degrees, Immersive journalism, Digital storytelling, Image, Representation


Following the evolution of the documentary and the transformation of representation based on the development of image technologies, the immersive documentary endows the nonfiction audiovisual genre with new qualities. In this context, their differentiating characteristics are identified and described, adapting the study methods to the nature of such productions. Through a filmic analysis of 30 immersive documentaries and a complementary case study, we present a first proposal for the modalities of the immersive documentary. The results point to the central role of the user and the relationship between the image, the medium, and the body as key to understanding immersive nonfiction experiences.


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How to Cite

Marí­n, A. (2021). The immersive documentary: understanding the phenomenon in nonfiction stories through a typology proposal. Profesional De La información, 30(4).



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