Framing as a research project: a review of concepts, fields, and methods of study




Framing, News frames, Research projects, Frame building, Frame setting, Framing effects, Fields of study, Methods of study, Review, Communication research


Since framing theory was incorporated into Communication studies, its use by researchers has increased steadily, to study the presence of frames both within the communicative process and especially in the different parts thereof. This paper reviews the evolution of this theory within Communication, paying special attention to various relevant aspects. Specifically, the main proposals for existing frame typologies are extracted and discussed. The debates about the visualization of framing as a research program or project as well as the fields in which it is studied are reviewed. In addition, this paper reviews the logic of such research in the three main fields of study within the theory: frame building, the presence of news frames in messages, and the framing effects on the audience, providing a review of the methodological approaches followed in each of these lines of work.


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How to Cite

Muñiz, C. (2020). Framing as a research project: a review of concepts, fields, and methods of study. Profesional De La información, 29(6).