Perceptions on media and disinformation: ideology and polarization in the Spanish media system




Disinformation, Political polarization, Media, Media pluralism, Trust, Media System, Spain


The trust that citizens place in the media and whether it is conditioned by their ideological positioning are analyzed. Likewise, how ideology affects the perception of media as creators and disseminators of disinformation is studied. The results from a representative survey of the Spanish population (n = 1,000) reveal polarized media consumption in Spain. Ideology plays an important role in trust in the media, drawing well-differentiated media ecosystems according to ideology, which also affects the perception that citizens have of the media as spreaders of disinformation.


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How to Cite

Masip, P., Suau, J., & Ruiz-Caballero, C. (2020). Perceptions on media and disinformation: ideology and polarization in the Spanish media system. Profesional De La información, 29(5).



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