Crisis communication (2008-2018). Review of the main advances in empirical knowledge in communication management
Content analysis, Research, Public relations, Companies, Crisis communication, Communication management, Strategic communication, Institutional communication, Corporate communication, Advances, Trends, Organizations, Trust, StakeholdersAbstract
Most organizations face crisis situations that jeopardize the trust of their stakeholders. Crisis communication has become one of the most prominent areas both in practice and in public relations research. This study presents a quantitative analysis of recent scientific research in crisis communication to assess the situation and discover the main current advances in the area. Journal articles from six prominent international databases were selected: Proquest Research Library, ABI/ Inform Collection, EBSCOhost Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost Business Source Complete. EBSCOhost Communication & Mass Media Complete and Elsevier´s Science Direct Journals Complete. Specifically, a total of 143 scientific articles published between 2008 and 2018 were collected and analyzed from six international peer-reviewed journals specialized in public relations and crisis communication, as well as the main crisis management journals included in the Web of Science and Scopus: Public Relations Review, Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, Corporate Communications, Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Communication Management and International Journal of Strategic Communication. The review of these texts led to the establishment of five hypotheses corresponding to the six stated objectives. Content analysis was used as the quantitative technique, focusing on the following elements: themes, theories, methods, results, and geocultural characteristics of the authors. The results reveal the research trends in the area over the last decade.
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