How to communicate a pandemic to society: the professional point of view. A case study of Covid-19 in the south of Europe




Coronavirus, Covid-19, Pandemics, Public health crisis, Health crisis, Crisis communication, Scientific communication, Biomedical communication, Health information, Scientific journalism, Public understanding of science, Research centers


Covid-19 has been the main focus of attention since it began spreading in December 2019. Scientific, political, and media actors have been overwhelmed by a wave of facts and data that has grown exponentially. Reporting on health crises is a challenge for scientific communicators and journalists, and spreading validated information from hospitals and research centers to society is not easy in a pandemic situation. To detail how the most important biomedical research centers in Barcelona have managed this situation to make information related to Covid-19 available to the population, a qualitative analysis of interviews carried out with communication experts at the studied research centers was carried out. The results show that the media have diverted their interest towards Covid-19, that there is a lot of pressure to publish articles, and that scientists have made a great effort to disseminate useful information. The study shows that health communicators are key players during a pandemic, that research centers need to focus on the digital age, and that more investment in communication is needed.


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How to Cite

Diviu-Miñarro, C., & Cortiñas-Rovira, S. (2020). How to communicate a pandemic to society: the professional point of view. A case study of Covid-19 in the south of Europe. Profesional De La información, 29(5).



Artí­culos de investigación Covid-19 / Covid-19 research articles