Radiografí­a de la pandemia: análisis de la cobertura periodí­stica de la Covid-19 en portadas de periódicos




Covid-19, Coronavirus, Pandemics, Newspapers, News consumption, Front pages, Traditional media, Journalistic coverage, Media agenda, Framing, Interpretative frameworks, Journalism


Covid-19 has resulted in a totally extraordinary and anomalous situation. This new coronavirus became a global phenomenon after the declaration of a pandemic state, which affects all fields: health, economic, social, scientific, environmental, etc. This health emergency affects many different levels and actors, including media and journalism. As far as news coverage is concerned, the front page of the press represents a relevant object of study from a journalistic, as well as sociological and historiographical, point of view. The front page plays an important temporary explanatory role, especially during an event as disruptive as the pandemic. It offers the possibility to take a "snapshot" of the coverage of an ongoing event. The aim of this research is to analyze the coverage of the new coronavirus and its evolution throughout the first quarter of 2020. To answer these questions, a thematic content analysis of 630 front pages of seven Spanish national generalist newspapers (El paí­s, El mundo, ABC, La razón, La vanguardia, El periódico, and El correo) was carried out. The results indicated that information about the virus increased progressively as the epidemic approached the Spanish borders. The coverage in the Spanish newspapers was highly homogeneous, although some differences can be found, mainly due to editorial trends and regional or national perspectives. The pattern of the analyzed samples is characterized by the current diagnosis of the pandemic, highly focused on the definition of the problem and the proposal of health solutions.


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How to Cite

Cantero-de-Julián, J.-I., Sidorenko-Bautista, P., & Herranz-de-la-Casa, J.-M. (2020). Radiografí­a de la pandemia: análisis de la cobertura periodí­stica de la Covid-19 en portadas de periódicos. Profesional De La información, 29(5).



Artí­culos de investigación Covid-19 / Covid-19 research articles