Software applications for managing digital repositories: an updated review




Digital preservation, Digital repositories, Digital objects, Linked data, Linked data platform, Linked open data, LOD, Applications, Programs, Software, Open source, Fedora, Samvera, islandora, Archivematica


A review of software applications for managing digital repositories is presented. Information managers have at their disposal several alternatives beyond those that have achieved greater popularity in the area of academic repositories: DSpace and EPrints. Existing alternatives have evolved and implemented mayor improvements in their more recent versions, with the aim of adopting the latest standards for the semantic web and linked data. This paper provides a description of the new features incorporated into the latest versions of the most popular open-source products. The selection has been made using as a reference the information offered by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), Digital Curation Center (DCC), National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA), and Open Preservation Foundation. The conclusions of the study indicate that the combined use of different tools is needed to support a complete archive and digital preservation program, as no single application seems to be able to provide the features required for an effective strategy.


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How to Cite

Eí­to-Brun, R., & Lobón-Márquez, I.-M. (2020). Software applications for managing digital repositories: an updated review. Profesional De La información, 29(5).



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