
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is original and unpublished. It is not submitted in another journal.
  • I have anonymized the Word file with the text of the article (even in Office Options)
  • In addition to pasting them into the Word file, I upload the illustrations in independent files.

    I am uploading the graphs in Excel!!!
  • Bibliographic references are in APA format.

    I have not omitted middle initials of the cited authors!!!

    All the articles have their doi in format
  • I upload the passport photos of all the authors in jpg, with a size of more than 100 KB.
  • I have registered / updated in the Directory of Experts in Information Processing (EXIT).
  • I have registered at
  • I know the new price of the APC (article processing charge) for 2024:

    GBP 2,000 including VAT (GBP = Stirling pounds).

Author Guidelines


Since January 1, 2024, the journal "Profesional de la Información / Information Professional" (EPI) is published by Oxbridge Publishing House

Payment per publication (APC)

EPI is an Open Access journal and articles cannot be published for free. EPI does not receive any subsidy, and to finance itself it requests an APC (article processing charge) from the authors. Articles approved for publication will be subject to an APC of £2,000.

Publication in Spanish or English, to choose

EPI publishes the articles in Spanish or English. 

EPI has a preferential agreement with a trusted translation agency that applies these prices:
€0.09/word+21% VAT for translations
€0.045/word+21% VAT for revisions*

* Important: Under no circumstances are translations made with automatic translators accepted.

Those interested in this service must contact the agency directly, indicating that they accept the offer of the Profesional de la Informacion journal:
Tel.: 0034 987 308 149

When the English version is provided by the author, he/she must send a certificate from his/her translation service guaranteeing the quality.

Submitting articles

All professionals who wish to do so, can send their contributions to the editorial staff of the Profesional de la Informacion journal, in the form of:

* Letters, editorials (only by senior authors)
* Research articles
* Review articles

EPI does not impose a length limit on articles, as long as it is justified.

The manuscripts are approved according to the "peer review" system: at least two experts on the subject, from the journal's Scientific Committee and/or external ones, must give approval before publication. The system is "double blind": neither the reviewers know who the authors are --since the documents are anonymized-- nor do the authors know who the reviewers are. To ensure that the works do not lose relevance, the management and evaluators of this journal put special effort into reviewing the articles quickly, achieving an average acceptance or rejection time of the works of only a few weeks.

The text must be sent in Word or rtf. In addition to being pasted into the text, graphic materials must be sent separately, in independent xls, jpg, ppt or pdf files (with a minimum size of 200 KB for each image or photo jpg). Photographic images and screenshots can be pasted into the Word document, but only to make it easier for evaluators to read. Images lose their quality when pasted into Word, so they must also be sent separately in separate files. The tables must be made directly into Word (no captured --jpg-- tables are accepted). You must also send the Excel files.

 We repeat: Graphics (bar diagrams, pies or cheeses, curves, etc.) prepared with Excel must be sent separately as xls (Excel) files because the editors must be able to change the style or correct any errors.

Texts must be sent without special automatic formatting by Word processors (bullet lists, indentations, tabs, footnotes, hyperlinks, linked boxes, etc.).

The manuscripts have to be anonymized, and must include: 1. Title 2. Abstract of 250-300 words 3. 10-15 keywords, in capital letters, separated by semicolons 4. Full text.
In a separated file, authors will write their names (in the order to be published in the article), orcids, affiliations, postal addresses and emails.

6 or 8 short highlighted sentences should be sent --as a summary of the main ideas -- to be interspersed in the layout text as quotes. 

Cited bibliographical references

Filler bibliography is not accepted. All bibliography must be cited in the text with the Harvard system (author, year). The section should be titled "References."

References must be listed in alphabetical order of the first author.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to adapt the texts to the grammatical and literary style of the journal.

Author affiliation

EPI publishes articles with the photographs of their authors (ID card or passport type). Please provide photos >200 KB in jpg format.

The orcid author identifier should be obtained from:

IMPORTANT! Register as an EPI author:

And if you already have your password because you are registered, go to:

Issues with thematic sections
All issues of the journal are permanently open to all topics of Information, Documentation and Communication.
However, in each issue a Thematic Section with guest editors is programmed. See:

Only senior researchers who already have extensive experience publishing work in accredited journals can propose thematic sections and apply as guest editors, which translates into having an h index=7 or higher in Scopus or WoS.
Proposals should be sent to

Privacy Statement

In accordance with the provisions of Article 5 from Organic Law 15/1999, dated 13th December, concerning the Protection of Personal Data, we wish to inform you that the personal information provided is the journal Profesional de la Información. It is possible to check the journal´s purpose in the section "about/contact".