Exploring stakeholders´ dialogue and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on Twitter




Palabras clave:

Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Stakeholders´ dialogue, Corporate communication, Social media, Organizational communication, Twitter.


Social networks are an opportunity to foster and strengthen dialogue between companies and their audiences and also to integrate social expectations into their corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies. This research analyses communication on CSR on Twitter and its main objectives are: 1) to analyze if there are CSR concepts which can lead the conversation among Twitter users and companies when discourse is limited to CSR related concepts; and 2) to detect those concepts which might create engagement (underlying conversations) between companies and Twitter users. Our research is focused on insurance companies included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI). The methodology used is qualitative and the sample comprises more than 8,500 tweets which include a set of keywords related to CSR, that were published by the companies in the sample and/or mentioned those companies. The results show that industry-related words, financial performance messages and the local activities of the company are opportunities to spread the CSR commitment. We concluded that communication is scarce between companies and users related to CSR. In general, companies and users shared interests, but these were not related to a real conversation about CSR and sustainability. 


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Biografía del autor/a

Abel Monfort, ESIC, Business & Marketing School

Head of Business Department at ESIC Business & Marketing School

Nuria Villagra, Complutense University of Madrid.

Tenured Professor at Complutense University of Madrid. Department of Applied Communication Sciences. Faculty of Communication Sciences.

Belén López-Vázquez, ESIC Business & Marketing School

Senior Lecturer at ESIC Business & Marketing School. Department of communication.


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Cómo citar

Monfort, A., Villagra, N., & López-Vázquez, B. (2019). Exploring stakeholders´ dialogue and corporate social responsibility (CSR) on Twitter. Profesional De La información, 28(5). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2019.sep.13



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles