Bibliometric and benchmark analysis of gold Open Access in Spain: big output and little impact


  • Daniel Torres-Salinas El profesional de la información
  • Nicolás Robinson-Garcí­a
  • Isidro F. Aguillo


Palabras clave:

Open Access, Gold road, Web of Science, Análisis bibliométrico, Research impact, International collaboration, Spain, Europe.


This bibliometric study analyzes the research output produced by Spain during the 2005-2014 time period in Open Access (OA) journals indexed in Web of Science. The aim of the paper is to determine if papers published in Open Access journals contribute to the improvement of citation impact and collaboration indicators in Spanish research. The results are shown by scientific areas and compared with 17 European countries. Spain is the second highest ranking European country with gold OA publication output and the fourth highest in Open Access output (9%). In Spain OA output is especially high in the fields of Arts and Humanities (28%). Spain´s normalized citation impact in Open access (0.72) is lower than the world average and that of the main European countries. Finally, we discuss how these results differ from the so-called Open Access citation advantage.


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Cómo citar

Torres-Salinas, D., Robinson-Garcí­a, N., & Aguillo, I. F. (2016). Bibliometric and benchmark analysis of gold Open Access in Spain: big output and little impact. Profesional De La información, 25(1), 17–24.



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles