Examining the Influence of Teachers and Social Dynamics in Adolescent Cyberbullying Intervention
https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2024.ene.0517Palabras clave:
Bullying, Disciplinary Sanctions, Clinical Psychology, Saudi Arabia, Middle School Intervention, Structural Equation Modelling.Resumen
The prevalence of cyberbullying presents a significant threat to the well-being and development of adolescents. Despite increased awareness, there remains a critical gap in understanding the growing concern of cyberbullying among adolescents. This research aims to explore the prevalence and influence of teachers and social dynamics in adolescent cyberbullying intervention in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), based on theoretical concepts from the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). The study used a structured, validated questionnaire to collect data from 724 middle and high school students across KSA, employing a simple random sampling technique. Quantitative analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results indicate that 41.7% of the sample had experienced cyberbullying. The study highlights the decisive role of attitudes and intentions in shaping cyberbullying behaviours, emphasising the need for a negative perception. Empathy emerges as a protective factor, while perceived behavioural control acts as a significant deterrent. Subjective norms had an insignificant impact on intentions. Teacher intervention was negatively linked to students' intentions, suggesting that teachers can discourage negative cyberbullying intentions. Additionally, teachers' intervention plays a significant moderating role between students' intentions and actual behaviour, weakening the relationship between intention and the manifestation of cyberbullying behaviour. The findings suggest policy implications for targeted teacher interventions as effective deterrents and underscore the importance of fostering an empathetic environment to enhance adolescents' social and emotional skills in KSA. These results provide practical insights for policymaking and the professional training of teachers in addressing cyberbullying
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