Preserving the Past: Digital Strategies for Cultural Heritage in Modern China


  • Ye Tang College of Marxism Shanxi University Taiyuan 030006, China
  • Zhimin Wang College of Physical Education Taiyuan University of Science and Technology Taiyuan 030024, China


Palabras clave:

Cultural Heritage, China, Digital Technology, Strategy, Sustainable Development


Cultural heritage has become more significant in today’s global scenario, when technological advancements and use of digital technology have enabled the development of new ways to gather, safeguard, modify, and distribute information related to cultural heritage. This research examined the significance of digital strategies for the cultural heritage and the current prominent challenges it is encountering. This research utilized digital technology to effectively showcase China's cultural history to a wide audience, both nationally and globally. It aimed to reinterpret and analyze the cultural heritage, fill it with fresh cultural and historical significance. The purpose of this study was to inspire individuals, to acquire the skills to utilize modern technology in order to advance the preservation and growth of cultural heritage, finally resulting in its comprehensive utilization and sustainable development. Before attempting to design a unique digital display and dissemination technology system, it is crucial to carefully evaluate and analyze various digital technologies to determine their suitability. The results of the study reveal that digital solutions contribute significantly for preserving cultural heritage in modern China and have important implications for policymakers and cultural heritage agencies in China and other countries.


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Cómo citar

Ye Tang, & Zhimin Wang. (2024). Preserving the Past: Digital Strategies for Cultural Heritage in Modern China. Profesional De La información, 33(3).



Artí­culos de investigación / Research articles