Dialogue between organizations and publics in the digital era: the "unfulfilled promise" of new media and the consultancy discourse in Spain





Public Relations, Communication, Consultancy, Dialogue, Internet, Social media, Ethics, Engagement, Conversation, Reputation, Dialogic theory.


The expansion of digital communication technologies has been accompanied by the development of a "dialogical theory" of Public Relations, a theory that saw in new media the potential to implement ethical principles about dialogue to communications between organizations and publics. This article studies the current situation of the subject from two points of view: a critical literature review and discourse analysis of the 40 largest public relations consulting companies in Spain. As a result of the first component, "the unfulfilled promise" of the new media is highlighted. The analysis of the consulting discourse, on the other hand, shows the preference given to conversation and engagement as alternative concepts, the persistence of the discursive connection between digital technology and dialogic processes, as well as the existence of three basic forms this connection assumes. Theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.


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How to Cite

Shoai, A. (2020). Dialogue between organizations and publics in the digital era: the "unfulfilled promise" of new media and the consultancy discourse in Spain. Profesional De La información, 29(3). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.may.21



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