News on Covid-19 and 2019-nCoV in Spanish media: The role of digital media in times of confinement




Covid-19, 2019-nCov, SARS-CoV-2, Pandemics, Health crisis, Health communication, Digital media, Press, Media, Newspapers, Digital journalism, My news, State of Alarm, Confinement, Lockdown, Spain.


This paper analyses the news on Covid-19 and 2019-nCov in the Spanish media. This is done by using news retrieved from My news database. The analysis includes the total amount of news in Spanish media by type of media; the evolution of the publication in digital media considering various periods of time, and the volume of news in the most used Spanish digital media. The results show that digital media are the most used among other types to publish on the topic, with a significant increase since the beginning of the alarm state. In this sense, some arguments on the function and utility of this type of media during the confinement are exposed. Also, the essential role of digital media covering the population´s information needs is discussed. The digital media with the largest number publications are,, and The value of this work is that it can serve as starting point for others in order to carry out content analysis on the subject considering different channels and digital media.


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Author Biographies

Pedro Lázaro-Rodrí­guez, Universidad de Granada

Pedro Lázaro-Rodrí­guez es doctor por la Universidad de Granada en Ciencias Sociales (lí­nea de información y comunicación cientí­fica). Es miembro del laboratorio de investigación Secaba-Lab y desarrollador y webmáster principal de la herramienta Secaba-Rank para el análisis y evaluación de bibliotecas.

Enrique Herrera-Viedma, Universidad de Granada

Enrique Herrera-Viedma es profesor de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial en la
Universidad de Granada y Vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia. Sus lí­neas de investigación
relacionadas con la Biblioteconomí­a y Documentación se centran en recuperación de información,
bibliometrí­a, bibliotecas digitales, evaluación de webs, sistemas de recomendación y medios sociales. Es miembro del comité ejecutivo de la IEEE SMC Society y editor asocidado de las revistas IEEE Transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics: Systems, Knowledge based systems, Soft computing, Fuzzy optimization and decision making, Applied soft computing, Journal of intelligent y Fuzzy systems, and information sciences. Su í­ndice h es 57 (WoS) y está presente en los listados de investigadores altamente citados de Clarivate Analytics.

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How to Cite

Lázaro-Rodrí­guez, P., & Herrera-Viedma, E. (2020). News on Covid-19 and 2019-nCoV in Spanish media: The role of digital media in times of confinement. Profesional De La información, 29(3).



Artí­culos de investigación Covid-19 / Covid-19 research articles