Evolution of the popularity of Donald Trump and other international leaders on Google Trends (2016-2019)





Power, Mass media, Bilateral, Diplomacy, Reality shows, Popularity, Politicians, Political communication, Google Trends, Donald Trump, Emmanuel Macron, Shinzō Abe, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May, Giuseppe Conte, Jean-Claude Juncker.


International power structures present a pattern of transition, where the United States is no longer able to consolidate its power globally. The slogans of Donald Trump: "Make America great again" or "America first" are an example of the media interest of the American president in that his electors think that it´s possible to gain the lost hegemony. This article examines Donald Trump´s bilateral encounters with politicians Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, ShinzÅ Abe, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Giuseppe Conte, and Jean-Claude Juncker. Meetings marked by extravagant greetings and politically out of place behaviors that seem more like a reality show than a bilateral encounter between political leaders. Using data results from Google Trends platform, we study the resonance of the meetings between Donald Trump and the heads of state of the G7 countries to examine the variations in Trump´s popularity after these meetings.


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How to Cite

Villa-Gracia, D., & Cerdán, V. (2020). Evolution of the popularity of Donald Trump and other international leaders on Google Trends (2016-2019). Profesional De La información, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2020.ene.12



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