Altmetrics data providers: A meta-analysis review of the coverage of metrics and publication




Altmetrics, Coverage, Data providers, Social media, Lagotto,, ImpactStory, Mendeley, PlumX, Crossref Event Data, Wikipedia, Review.


The aim of this paper is to review the current and most relevant literature on the use of altmetric providers since 2012. This review is supported by a meta-analysis of the coverage and metric counts obtained by more than 100 publications that have used these bibliographic platforms for altmetric studies. The article is the most comprehensive analysis of altmetric data providers (Lagotto,, ImpactStory, Mendeley, PlumX, Crossref Event Data) and explores the coverage of publications, social media and events from a longitudinal view. Disciplinary differences were also analysed. The results show that most of the studies are based on data. This provider is the service that captures most mentions from social media sites, blogs and news outlets. PlumX has better coverage, counting more Mendeley readers, but capturing fewer events. CED has a special coverage of mentions from Wikipedia, while Lagotto and ImpactStory are becoming disused products because of their limited reach.


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How to Cite

Ortega, J.-L. (2020). Altmetrics data providers: A meta-analysis review of the coverage of metrics and publication. Profesional De La información, 29(1).



Artí­culos de revisión / Review articles