New strategies of parental mediation in the use of social networks by adolescents
Parental mediation, Adolescents, Children, Young, Teens, Teenagers, Internet use, Mobile devices, Smartphones, Social networks, Deference, Participatory learning.Abstract
The diversity, complexity and changing nature of parental mediation practices for adolescent online use contribute to the failure to achieve a consensual typology among scientific community. Over twenty-six interviews with parents of adolescent and preadolescent children (from 9 to 17 years) of the Community of Madrid, this work aims to update the types of intervention of parents to mediate the use of their children´s Internet, paying special attention to emerging strategies linked to the extension of mobile devices and social networks. The results point to: the preference for a model of remote supervision, or deference, in which parents prefer to limit their intervention, trusting that their children will be responsible with their use of the Internet; model that reconcile well with respect for the privacy of adolescents. A new practice consisting of co-use promoted by parents to generate shared positive experiences that foster the child´s learning is highlighted.
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