Minors on YouTube, entertainment or business? Analysis of cases in Spain and the USA
YouTube, Social media, Video, Minors, Privacy, Representation, Imaginary, Youtubers, Spain, USA.Abstract
YouTube has turned into an audiovisual platform worldwide that leaves neither adults nor children indifferent. This work focuses on how the last sector mentioned, that is, minors and their imaginaries are represented in Spain and the United States through the phenomenon of youtubers. We examined 20 YouTube channels with a total of 204 videos, applying formal and content variables and manifest criteria based on minor´s privacy. The analysis reveals similarities in the pattern of behaviour, insertion of advertising and the role of parents in content publication. The results show that advertising is the central axis and that parents become guides throughout this process. In conclusion, parents overexpose their children in a business without regulations on advertising and representation of minors, who show unreal worlds and incite other minors to make a compulsive use.
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