Motivation, barriers and inventives for research data sharing and research data reuse. Researchers' views
Research data, Data sharing, Data re-use, Researchers´ habits, Motivation, Barriers.Abstract
Research data sharing, data reuse and facilitating access to research data are not common researchers´ practices, except in certain disciplines, such as Meteorology, Genetics or Astronomy. Institutional, publishers´ and funders´ policies have made the culture of sharing and managing research data particularly relevant. However, the threat of being scooped, the fear to the misuse of their data, to lose control over their data, or the fear to infringe the legislation on intellectual property, are barriers that scientific community faces when trying to make their data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR data). In this work, we have analyzed the pros and cons of sharing and reusing data, based on previous works in the literature that have allowed us to perceive researchers´ habits and perceptions in this regard.
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