Workflows for the post-industrial journalism: Methods and tools to promote a more agile and transversal organizational communication
Media, Media innovation, Organizational innovation, Organizational communication, Workflows, Agile methodologies, Project management, Design thinking, Lean startup, Scrum, Extreme programming, Crystal, Kanban, Scrumban.Abstract
Media seek to survive in a scenario of constant and dramatic changes. News organizations introduce flexible workflows in their newsrooms to reduce uncertainty and to adapt to the environment. In this paper, we propose a conceptual model that identifies two groups of practices: 1) methods for designing and creating products, which allow to launch assets that continually evolve to meet the changing needs of users; and 2), agile methodologies to manage the daily work, which allow a more fluid and transversal organizational communication and, consequently, a better coordination between professionals and teams. In addition, we provide a specific set of examples of each type of workflow, and we also explore the relationship between both. Finally, we collect a varied range of technological tools that facilitate flexibility and communication.
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Additional Files
- Proceso de producción en scrum (Español (España))
- Documentación generada durante el proceso de design thinking en El Confidencial Lab (Español (España))
- Prototipado de una aplicación móvil en El Confidencial Lab (Español (España))
- Daily scrum del equipo Lector de El Confidencial Lab con la aplicación JIRA (Español (España))
- Uno de los tableros Kanban en el espacio de trabajo de El Confidencial Lab. (Español (España))
- Declaración de contribuciones (Español (España))
- Foto José María Valero (Español (España))
- Foto Miguel Carvajal (Español (España))
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