Keys to success for the viralization of health content. Social media study of the Povisa Hospital
Health communication, Organizational communication, Corporate communication, Social networks, Social media, Hospitals, Health information, Hospital communication, Viralization, Facebook, Povisa Hospital.Abstract
When information is shared it is consumed in a more reflective manner and it is easier to understand and assimilate it, so seeking the participation of the social audience should be among the main concerns of a health sector communicator. The study performs an analysis of the interactions generated in Facebook of the largest private hospital in Spain, the Povisa Hospital, between 2016 and 2018. The results show that the posts that are most shared are those that transmit positive emotions, with images of patients and health professionals, with direct and affirmative phrases, coming from our own sources of information, and told through real stories lived by patients. The conclusions reached in this study can serve as effective formulas of connection between other hospitals and their social audience.
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