Measuring the quality of management in education. Review article




Quality in education, Quality measurement, Critical quality factors, Educational institutions, Evaluation, Audits, Assessment, Quality assurance, Higher education, Students perceptions, Indicators, Criteria, Education centers, Universities, Schools,


The objective of this study is to perform a review and contextualize the existing definitions of educational quality from the managerial point of view. We will be presenting also the factors that have been considered to support managerial decision making within educational institutions. Relevant research related to the different models for measuring educational quality and the different factors that affect this quality are discussed. The existing methodological gap of the statistical processes, the theoretical evidences and the number of investigations in every level of education are identified. The results provide a framework for future research and can become the basis for the design and construction of multidimensional models for educational management quality measurement needs of educational institutions. The results evidence also the lack of a single criterion to build the indicators, as well as the fact that there is a strong of subjectivity in the measuring processes.


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Author Biographies

Tito-José Crissien-Borrero, Universidad de la Costa

Tito José Crissien Borrero holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from CESA School of Management, a MBA from the University of Miami, a master degree in Education from Universidad del Norte. He is Ph.D. candidate for the Strategic Business Administration program at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and Ph.D. student in the Information Sciences program at the Complutense University of Madrid. His research interests include education and sustainability. He is rector of the Universidad de la Costa.


Universidad de la Costa - CUC 

Calle 58 # 55 - 66. Barranquilla, Colombia



Javier Velásquez-Rodriguez, Universidad de la Costa

Javier Velásquez Rodrí­guez is a young researcher at the Universidad de la Costa - CUC (Colombia), in the Department of Industrial, Agroindustrial and Operations Management. He has worked in the purchasing and supply processes of the retail sector. Currently his research focuses on the measurement of educational quality and the application of statistical processes within engineering and educational institutions.

Universidad de la Costa - CUC 

Calle 58 # 55 - 66. Barranquilla, Colombia

Dionicio Neira-Rodado, Universidad de la Costa

Dionicio Neira Rodado holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and a master´s degree in Industrial Engineering (Universidad Javeriana). He has worked in different companies as production manager, and is currently working as a professor, researcher and consultant. He has implemented six sigma tools to improve operations in different companies. He has also worked in investigation projects with national and international funding. He teaches Operations Research, Quality Control and Operations and Supply Chain Management.

Universidad de la Costa - CUC 

Calle 58 # 55 - 66. Barranquilla, Colombia

Luis-Gabriel Turizo-Martí­nez, Universidad de la Costa

Luis Gabriel Turizo Martí­nez is a research professor at the Universidad de la Costa -CUC- (Colombia) in the Department of Social and Human Sciences, with a master´s degree in Education, a Specialist in Pedagogy and Research in the Classroom and a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and Physics, leaning towards Educational studies associated with Didactics, Pedagogy, Quality, specifying on topics such as interdisciplinarity, transversality and context.

Universidad de la Costa - CUC 

Calle 58 # 55 - 66. Barranquilla, Colombia


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How to Cite

Crissien-Borrero, T.-J., Velásquez-Rodriguez, J., Neira-Rodado, D., & Turizo-Martí­nez, L.-G. (2020). Measuring the quality of management in education. Review article. Profesional De La información, 28(6).



Artí­culos de revisión / Review articles