Disinformation: Professional challenges for the communication sector





Disinformation, Post-truth, Fake news, Junk news, Political communication, Fact-checking, Communication professionals, Political consultants, Journalists, Fact-checkers.


The rise of disinformation increases debate about its impact on society and the possibilities and tools to fight it. Communication professionals are faced with new contexts that affect the credibility of their work. This study tries to know how experts perceive the phenomenon by identifying possible changes in their work routines. Twenty-four structured interviews were conducted with political consultants, information verifiers, journalists and digital media social network managers. It was evidenced that the changes in working protocols are still small, although all social actors have been directly affected by the impact of disinformation. There is no consensus neither on the creation of a possible legislative framework to address it. The results can help to focus new research on this field as well as offer an approximation to the current state of communication professionals in face of the phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Leticia Rodrí­guez-Fernández, Universidad Antonio Nebrija

Doctora en Ciencias de la Información (UCM, 2012), máster en Comunicación de Instituciones Públicas y Polí­ticas (UCM, 2008) y licenciada en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas (UVA, 2007). Profesora e investigadora de comunicación organizacional en la Universidad Antonio Nebrija, donde dirige el grado en Comunicación Corporativa, Protocolo y Organización de Eventos. Antes de dedicarse a la docencia, desarrolló su carrera profesional en el campo de la consultorí­a de comunicación (Llorente y Cuenca, 2008-2010 y Digitaller, 2011-2015) y en departamentos de comunicación (CCOO, 2007-2008, y Cámara de Comercio de Gijón, 2006). 


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How to Cite

Rodrí­guez-Fernández, L. (2019). Disinformation: Professional challenges for the communication sector. Profesional De La información, 28(3). https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2019.may.06