Evolution of the use of hypertext in the Spanish press (2002-2016)
Hypertext, Semantic links, Digital newspapers, Media, Cyberjournalism, Digital journalism, Journalism, Research.Abstract
Analysis of the evolution of the use of hypertext on Spanish digital newspapers. Two decades after the first Spanish news sites, the authors studied the level of maturity of the use of semantic links as well as the most significant changes and trends when using these resources. To achieve this objective, a retrospective longitudinal empirical analysis of the use of hyperlinks is performed, covering the professional practice between 2002 and 2016. The research included six online news: three top-ranked national newspapers, and three local news sites, an area barely studied among researchers studying hypertext. The overall number of semantic links is 22,296, all of them included in 4,620 home-page news stories. 4,830 links appearing within the text body received an extensive analysis.
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