Qualitative based social media plan participative design for health organizations. Evaluation of the Reina Sofia University Hospital experience
Social media, Social media plan, SMP, Participation-based design, Health organizations, Internal communication, External communication, Hospital communication systems, Health communication, Stakeholders participation, Hospitals.Abstract
The participation-based design of a social media strategy for health organizations, and the evaluation of the experience in the Reina Sofía University Hospital are presented. The methodology of collaborative and multidisciplinary design was developed in five phases: identification of target actors; consensus on objectives, channels and content lines; results analysis and feedback; (pre)campaign design; collaborative elaboration of social media strategy. The evaluation included social media monitoring (quantitative evaluation of external communication) and content analysis of semi-structured interviews with hospital managers (qualitative evaluation of internal communication). Results show the positive impact on the external communication and the participants´ satisfaction with the co-design, revealing that participatory and interdisciplinary approach, managerial support and professionalization represent the main aspects of social media presence for health organizations.
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