Fanfictions as collaborative writing: Models of beta readers




Fanfictions, Fics, Reading, Readers, Beta readers, Creative writing, Learning, Literary education, Transmedia narrative, Fandom, Participative culture.


Given the formative and playful potential of the new literate practices developed in digital environments and, specifically, fanfictions, 321 beta readers of the platform have been analyzed in this work. In the readers´ profiles we have been able to know general characteristics such as sex, age or country of residence. As well as the strengths, weaknesses, textual preferences that these beta readers expose. All this has allowed us to explore the interactions that are established between writers and their beta readers. In addition, five collaboration models of beta readers have been extracted. Finally, it has been proven that these are unique opportunities for the development of reading, writing and literary skills in informal settings.


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How to Cite

Garcí­a-Roca, A. (2019). Fanfictions as collaborative writing: Models of beta readers. Profesional De La información, 28(4).