New parental mediation roles: Parents´ perceptions of their children´s relationship with multiple screens
Parental mediation, Use of multiple screens, Media literacy, Transmedia literacy, Communication, Information technologies, Children, Perceptions, Chile.Abstract
This study disseminates the results of the first stage of a mixed investigation on the perceptions that parents have in Chile about the use made by their children between 8 and 13 years of the media, in a multi-screen context and mediation practices to which they resort. Through a self-administered questionnaire, basic information was collected (n = 146), as an input to develop a digital education strategy aimed at these adults, who face the challenge of raising an ecosystem different from their own childhood and for which they have not been prepared. The results show the need for transmedia literacy, so that parents have adequate resources to assertively guide the growth of their children in the information society and in the network society.
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