The terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in the online press. Informative treatment in El periódico, El paí­s and The guardian




Journalism, Terrorism, Media ethics, Code of ethics, Digital media, Protection of minors, Protection of privacy, Conflicts of interest.


This article is focused on the media coverage of the terrorist attacks occurred in Barcelona and Cambrils, Spain, in August 2017. The study analyzes the digital version of three international newspapers: The guardian, El paí­s and El periódico de Catalunya. The content they published is compared with the Code of Ethics of the Professional Journalists Association of Catalonia and the Guidelines on news coverage of terrorism from the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC-CPC, 2016). The results show that the newspapers meet these criteria, with the exceptions of the protection of minors and the protection of privacy.


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Author Biography

Jesús Dí­az-Campo, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)

Director del Máster en Comunicación e Identidad Corporativa. Profesor Agregado.

Facultad de Empresa y Comunicación. Departamento de Comunicación.


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How to Cite

Dí­az-Campo, J., Chaparro-Domí­nguez, M.- Ángeles, & Rodrí­guez-Martí­nez, R. (2018). The terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils in the online press. Informative treatment in El periódico, El paí­s and The guardian. Profesional De La información, 27(6), 1358–1367.