Monologues in the conversational era: Assessing the level of dialogic communication that big firms are reaching on social medi




Social media, Social networks, Web 2.0, Dialogic communication, Dialogue, Conversation, Public relations, Best practices, Big companies.


Ibex 35 and Fortune 500 companies are still not fully utilizing the dialogic potential of social media. The percentage of companies with a low level of dialogic communication exceeds the percentage of companies with a high level in both groups, according to this study which assesses the level of dialogic communication developed by firms with their external audiences on blogs, Facebook and Twitter in an integrated way. Based on Kent & Taylor´s (1998) framework, a dialogic conceptual tool has been created, refined and applied to all the sample. The tool analyzes 73 variables on three dimensions: Presence, Content and Interactivity. Inter-method triangulation has been applied to carry out the research: virtual ethnography, critical discourse analysis (CDA) and interviews with experts.


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Author Biographies

Cristina Aced-Toledano, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Cristina Aced is an adjunct professor in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and Lecturer in the Master Degree in Protocol and Public Relations at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). She also works as an independent PR and social media consultant since 2006. She holds a PhD in the Information and Knowledge Society Program from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). She has published more than ten books on digital communication and PR and has published her works in several academic journals.

Ferran Lalueza, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Ferran Lalueza is an associate professor in the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and an adjunct professor in the Department of Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain). A former reporter, he also worked as a PR senior consultant at Burson-Marsteller for almost a decade. His academic qualifications include a PhD and a MA in Journalism, and a Graduate Certificate in Information Sciences. He is a member of the research group GAME (Research Group in Learning, Media and Entertainment).


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How to Cite

Aced-Toledano, C., & Lalueza, F. (2018). Monologues in the conversational era: Assessing the level of dialogic communication that big firms are reaching on social medi. Profesional De La información, 27(6), 1270–1280.