The management of the candidates´ Twitter accounts in the Spanish 2016 general elections: Between self-referentiality and media hybridization
Political communication, Electoral campaigns, Candidates, Social media, Twitter, Interaction, Hybridization, Mass media.Abstract
Twitter has become an essential instrument in the communication strategies of political actors during electoral campaigns. However, it is necessary to improve the knowledge about its use. The aim of this piece of research is to analyse the interaction in the usage of Twitter by the four main candidates in Spanish 2016 general elections. The research method is a content analysis of 2,339 tweets published during the electoral campaign. The results show: 1) candidates do not interact with citizens, but their main use of Twitter is self-referential; 2) the strategic use of hybridization between new media and conventional media is patent; 3) a clear distinction between old and new parties is not possible regarding the management of Twitter accounts.
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