The public library as seen by the non-users




UXLib, User experience, UX, User centered design (UCD), Public libraries, Users, School libraries, Non-users, User research studies, Survey.


The user experience framework (UX) serves to analyze the characteristics, preferences and perceptions of non-users of the public library to inform the (re)design of services. Empirical data come from a representative survey of the Catalan population aged 15 and over. In general terms, libraries and librarians benefit from a positive image, although one third of non-users would have no motivation for visiting a public library (again). Most are ex-users (81%) who had visited a public library but not in the last year. Individuals seem to stop using the public library when they end their educational period, with disengagement affecting more men than women. Never-users (19%) stand out among older individuals and lower educational levels. Results support the idea that different strategies must target ex-users and non-users to attract them (back) to the library as both their profiles and opinions on the public library are different.


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Author Biography

Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



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How to Cite

Fernández-Ardèvol, M., Ferran-Ferrer, N., Nieto-Arroyo, J., & Fenoll, C. (2018). The public library as seen by the non-users. Profesional De La información, 27(3), 659–670.