Quality criteria and presentation standards in book-apps: The children´s content sector
Book-apps, Children book-apps, Evaluation children´s apps, Quality, Quality of children´s book-apps, Digital reading, Children reading, Standards.Abstract
To facilitate digital reading for children it is necessary to offer content that meets quality criteria. The problem lies in the lack of systematized criteria that serves as a guide to defining quality. The aim of this article is to select and systematize criteria or standards that serve to evaluate children´s book-apps. We take the criteria used both in the selection of children´s books on paper and those specific to the digital world. The elements have been grouped according to the form and content; within the form dimension, paratexts are taken into account (which in turn are divided into peritexts and epitexts) and usability are discussed. As for the content: text, image, sound, and interactivity should be evaluated.
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