Why do we publish? Prevalence, motivations, and consequences of publish or perish





Publish or perish, Communication sciences, Pressure to publish, Stress, Aneca, Scientific production, Scientific publication, Researchers, Professors, Surveys.


The prevalence of the pressure to publish and its effects on the professional career of researchers in Communication sciences in Spain is explored. The data collected through an online survey of 290 scholars from public and private universities shows how the pressure to publish in scientific journals affects almost all respondents. Also, the main causes of this pressure come from the evaluation systems and the researchers themselves. The fundamental motivations for publishing are to increase the professional reputation and leave a mark in the field of expertise, while the most prominent effects of the pressure to publish are stress, emotional fatigue, and frustration over publication failures. Regarding the perceived conflict between teaching and research, the study warns of a scenario in which research excellence may be at the expense of, or be disconnected from, teaching excellence. The prevalence and effects of each of these dimensions is explored according to the age, gender, academic range, researches´ years of professional experience, and the nature (public or private) of the university.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Goyanes, Universidad Carlos III

Profesor e Investigador en gestión de medios en la Unviersidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual

Eduardo-Francisco Rodrí­guez-Gómez, Universidad Carlos III

Profesor e Investigador de la Unviersidad Carlos III de Madrid. Departamento de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual


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How to Cite

Goyanes, M., & Rodrí­guez-Gómez, E.-F. (2018). Why do we publish? Prevalence, motivations, and consequences of publish or perish. Profesional De La información, 27(3), 548–558. https://doi.org/10.3145/epi.2018.may.08