The Journal Citation Reports (SCI edition) with and without journal selfcitations
Scientific journals, Journal evaluation, Citation index, Bibliographic citations, Self-citations, Scientometric indicators, Journal Citation Reports, JCR, Journal Impact Factor, JIF.Abstract
Journals are ranked in the subject categories of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) according to their impact factors (JIF). The calculation of this indicator includes both citations received from other journals and self-citations from the journal itself. In this paper the current model of the JCR is compared with an alternate model using the JIF without self-citations as a variable. In order to do this, simulations were carried out using JIF without self-citations as an alternative variable. We studied the relationship between the two variables (JIF with self-citations and JIF without self-citations), the gain obtained by the journals with the usual JIF with self-citations, the changes in the ranking in the whole JCR, and changes in the internal ranking in the JCR´s subject categories. A small negative correlation was found between the gain that the journals obtained and their JIF. The results obtained suggest that if JIF without self-citations were used as the variable, the ranking of journals in the JCR and within the subject categories would be, in general, very different from the current one. The quantification of these differences is one of the more interesting results of this work.
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